
Is there a framework agnostic captcha module for Python? [closed]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-14 22:08 出处:网络
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I want to add captcha support to some forms, I'm using a very lightweight Python framework, bottle, and I don't want to use something provided by an online service, like recaptcha.

Is there something already available in this direction, or is messing around with PIL the onl开发者_如何学JAVAy solution?

Take a look at SkimpyGimpy, it's a python package that let's you generate CAPTCHA images and audio files. This is the package most framework-specific captcha generators that do not use re-captcha rely on.

It's a bit primitive, you may want to look at the source of collective.captcha as an example of how to use SkimpyGimpy in your own code.

Obligatory disclaimer: I am the original author of the collective.captcha package. Your mileage may vary. Don't code and drive, especially based on the say-so from others.

Found a couple: http://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=search&term=captcha&submit=search

Pick one, cut the version number and use one of these commands (for example):

easy_install collective.captcha
pip install collective.captcha


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取 消
