
Learn GIS with Python [closed]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-16 07:20 出处:网络
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Closed 6 years ago.

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I've been wanting to learn GIS, I already know lots of python, so I've been looking for online free sources to learn GIS.

Anyone one out there knows any good information to start with? tutorials? excercises?

Thank you!

Youll be glad to know that there is a Stack exchange site dedicated to GIS (Here), you could ask more specific questions there.

As for a specific answer to your very broad question - Have you got an idea what GIS Program do you plan to learn (do you plan on buying for yourself a full-cost program (which can be quite expensive)or have you got access to a full-cost in your work\studyplace or are you looking for a free-open-source (FOSS) program ??? Or do you want general "philosophical" writings on GIS (algorithms and such)?

I'll be glad to help, but "GIS" is a very broad subject (it's like asking a librarian a book about science...), so let's try to narrow your need down a bit.

You can write python-Plugins for the free GIS QGIS as far as I remember.

Start with GDAL, then you won't be tied to some particular GIS and will learn to deal with data interchange for many GIS packages.


There is a whole raft of Python APIs for all sorts of GIS proplems. I suggest a good kick-off point for most of these has to be OSGeo. OSGeo is an organisation that promotes and maintains open source GIS tools of all sorts from desktop applications like QGIS or GRASS, through APIs like GDAL/OGR to web-mapping tools.

Most people, I guess start with GDAL/OGR as recommended above but you can add Shapely, Spatialite and PostGIS to that to get more comprehensive access to the full functionality of the GEOS library through Python.

A good over-view book on the subject is Python Geospatial Development. This book covers the most common Python APIs for GIS.

A good introduction in Python for GIS – A Personal Love Affair



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