
why I get SIGUSR1 signal when I run my app in my device?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-17 07:35 出处:网络
It was OK when it run in Simulator. But when I run it in my ipad, i get this signal - \"SIGUSR1\" I debug this program and I am sure it has run out of the viewDidLoad method in UIView Class.

It was OK when it run in Simulator. But when I run it in my ipad, i get this signal - "SIGUSR1" I debug this program and I am sure it has run out of the viewDidLoad method in UIView Class. Does someone know 开发者_StackOverflowsome common reason cause this problem?

In my case it was because of Backgrounder - so i uninstalled it, on a jailbroken i4

hope it helps somebody



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