
Using CRM 4.0 SDK to send emails to multiple contacts at once

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-18 14:28 出处:网络
Is it possible to send out an email with multiple email addresses specified in the \"to\" field? I have it working for single recipients, but can\'t figure out how to send to multiple, here is my curr

Is it possible to send out an email with multiple email addresses specified in the "to" field? I have it working for single recipients, but can't figure out how to send to multiple, here is my current code for emailing a single user:

 public static void sendCRMNotification(string userGuid, string emailSubject, string emailBody, string recipientType) 


//Set up CRM service
crmService crmservice = GetCrmService();

// Create a FROM activity party for the email.
activityparty fromParty = n开发者_C百科ew activityparty();
fromParty.partyid = new Lookup();
fromParty.partyid.type = EntityName.systemuser.ToString();
fromParty.partyid.Value = new Guid(/*guid of sending user*/);

//Create a TO activity party for email
activityparty toParty = new activityparty();
toParty.partyid = new Lookup();
toParty.partyid.type = EntityName.contact.ToString();
toParty.partyid.Value = new Guid(userGuid);

//Create a new email
email emailInstance = new email();

//set email parameters
emailInstance.from = new activityparty[] { fromParty };
emailInstance.to = new activityparty[] { toParty };
emailInstance.subject = emailSubject;
emailInstance.description = emailBody;

//Create a GUId for the email
Guid emailId = crmservice.Create(emailInstance);

//Create a SendEmailRequest
SendEmailRequest request = new SendEmailRequest();
request.EmailId = emailId;
request.IssueSend = true;
request.TrackingToken = "";

 //Execute request

This is what I have done in the past. Create the array in the beginning before you set it to the email property.

activityparty[] toParty = new activityparty[2];
    toParty[0] = new activityparty();
    toParty[0].partyid = new Lookup(EntityName.contact.ToString(), userGuid);

    toParty[1] = new activityparty();
    toParty[1].partyid = new Lookup(EntityName.contact.ToString(), anotherUserGuid);

    emailMessage.to = toParty;


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