
How to integrate CCavenue Payment gateway in my website?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-26 02:34 出处:网络
Can 开发者_如何学Goanyone tell me the procedure for cc-avenue integration in my website?Go TO CCAvenue

Can 开发者_如何学Goanyone tell me the procedure for cc-avenue integration in my website?

Go TO CCAvenue

  • Obtain Merchant ID, Working Key, Integration Plugin
  • Upload the Plugin to your Server
  • Furnish it with details of Merchant ID, Working Key CC Avenue Integrated

Goto CCAvenue website

1) create account in ccavenue.
2) you need to verify your mobile and email.
3) account will activate within one hour.
4) you will get username and password
5) CCAvenue's technical team will check you website ans content and based on that they will mail you.
6) there are some document you need to provide them like cancelled cheque, undertaking form etc.
7) after that they will give you marchant id based on your website


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取 消
