
Serial number of Hard Disk or Hard Drive

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-26 13:01 出处:网络
At first it may seems it is very easy question and some 开发者_JAVA百科body may be trying to give me advice to try Google, it may be so.

At first it may seems it is very easy question and some 开发者_JAVA百科body may be trying to give me advice to try Google, it may be so. But for me it is very hard I have try Google, Stack Overflow and can’t find any good solution.

Just want to get Serial number of Hard Disk or Hard Drive using C#

Please read carefully: serial number of Hard Disk, but not Serial number of Volume of Hard Disk (e.g. C, D, E, etc).

For getting serial no of volume of hard disk I have found solution on net and its work well but problem is with Getting serial number of Hard Disk.

Some body may trying to make this question as possible copy of below Stake Overflow question or may suggest link of that question. But it is not

And not any below question provides good solution for this problem in C#:

  1. How to get Hard-Disk SerialNumber in C# (no WMI)?
  2. How to retrieve HDD Firmware Serial number in .net?
  3. Hdd Serial Number

This is the final solution:

Get Physical HDD Serial Number without WMI

write this much code:

DriveListEx diskInfo = new DriveListEx();
string serialNo = diskInfo[0].SerialNumber;

Don't forgot to add reference to the DriveInfoEx.dll.

see this


just download demo from there and select "data storage" tab and select Win32_DiskDrive from this you will get information all the Disk drives(HardDisk) mention below and see one property "SerialNumber" after sectorpertrack and before signature property...

Serial number of Hard Disk or Hard Drive

The best way I found is:

  1. Download the .dll from here

  2. Add the .dll to your project

  3. Add this code:

    public static extern String GetIDESerialNumber(byte DriveNumber);

  4. Call the hard disk ID from where you need it:

    GetIDESerialNumber(0).Replace(" ", string.Empty);

Note: Go to the properties of the dll in explorer and set Build Action to Embedded Resource.

// Function driveser (model)
// Returns the serial number of the drive specified in "model" or an empty string. 
// Please include this is you are going to use it.
// (C) By Zibri 2013
// Free for non commercial use.
// zibri AT zibri DOT org

public string driveser(string model)
    string functionReturnValue = null;
    string devid = "";
    functionReturnValue = "";
    try {
        ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2", "SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive WHERE Model LIKE '%" + model + "%'");
        foreach (ManagementObject queryObj in searcher.Get()) {
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryObj("SerialNumber")))
                functionReturnValue = queryObj("SerialNumber");
            Debug.Print(queryObj("Model") + ":" + functionReturnValue);
    } catch (ManagementException err) {
        Debug.Print("An error occurred while querying for WMI data: " + err.Message);
    return functionReturnValue;

I took a look with ILSpy (http://ilspy.net/) to System.IO.DriveInfo class and I figured out this code that seems to work fine :

' Declaration found in Microsoft.Win32.Win32Native
Friend Declare Auto Function GetVolumeInformation Lib "kernel32.dll" (drive As String, <Out()> volumeName As StringBuilder, volumeNameBufLen As Integer, <Out()> ByRef volSerialNumber As Integer, <Out()> ByRef maxFileNameLen As Integer, <Out()> ByRef fileSystemFlags As Integer, <Out()> fileSystemName As StringBuilder, fileSystemNameBufLen As Integer) As Boolean

' Test in my Form class
Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
        Dim volumeName As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder(50)
        Dim stringBuilder As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder(50)
        Dim volSerialNumber As Integer
        Dim maxFileNameLen As Integer
        Dim fileSystemFlags As Integer
        If Not GetVolumeInformation("C:\", volumeName, 50, volSerialNumber, maxFileNameLen, fileSystemFlags, stringBuilder, 50) Then
            Dim lastWin32Error As Integer = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()
            MsgBox("Error number:" & lastWin32Error)
        End If

    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub

I found a very good library that do what you want : https://www.nuget.org/packages/Hardware.Info/10.0.1?_src=template

using Hardware.Info;

IHardwareInfo hardwareInfo = new HardwareInfo();


foreach (var drive in hardwareInfo.DriveList)


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