
maven clearcase integration analysis

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-26 16:28 出处:网络
I am planning to integrate Clearcase UCM(under dynamic view) with Maven. 1) I found that Maven SCM is partially

I am planning to integrate Clearcase UCM(under dynamic view) with Maven.

1) I found that Maven SCM is partially implemented for clearcase. Is there are any still issue with this? what is meaning partailly implemented SCM?

2) How compatable Clearcase with Maven?

3)Any issues or limitation with this 2 tools integration?

4)Maven docs says that it is not possible to use SCM plugin features like creating tags (applying labels), creating Change logs, and so on.

5) where can i find good document to integrate Maven with clearcase?. Apache site have gi开发者_Python百科ven, but it is not very clear for beginners.

There are very few documentations on Maven with UCM ClearCase, and limitations like the ones described in SCM Implementation: ClearCase:

The ClearCase SCM provider uses snapshot views.

(so no dynamic view for instance, but you mention tags, which should be implemented as UCM baseline)

As no SCM metadata can be accessed, it is not possible to use SCM plugin features like creating tags (applying labels), creating changelogs, and so on.

Another limitation, in this thread:

Hi. I have been able to integrate Hudson and ClearCase without too much trouble using a Windows machine. Downloading source code from a given baseline or stream is fine.

The problem comes if you try to use some ant tasks for checking out a pom file, make some changes ( like updating some version numbers ) and then checkin the modified pom file before starting to build.

No matter if I use an ant script with ClearCase tasks, or internal Java classes, or even a maven-release-plugin for Hudson that tries to do this kind of job, I always end with the following error :

cleartool: Error: Type manager "_xml2" failed create_version operation

when trying to checking a XML file.

Which kind of integration are you looking for? If it's about identifying and documenting the changes between UCM baselines, streams, activities and components, you can use CompBL - a complemntary add-on for ClearCase. It's an easy to install add-on yet very powerful.


This is an error thrown by clearcase while checking in xml files, if xml file is exceeding more then /1000 characters. try changing xml file type, this will resolve the issue "cleartool chtype file file.xml"



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