
My doctrine is Really Slow. Simple query and one second to get the result

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-02-28 07:07 出处:网络
Here is my setup: Windows Server 2008 R2 MySql 5.1.562 Php 5.3.2 Doctrine 1.2 Anybody have an Idea why my query is taking about one second to perform a simple query.

Here is my setup:

Windows Server 2008 R2

MySql 5.1.562

Php 5.3.2

Doctrine 1.2

Anybody have an Idea why my query is taking about one second to perform a simple query.

echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) ."::::::" . microtime(true)."<br />";

             $q = Doctrine_Query::create()
            ->where("client_id = ?",array($_SESSION["UserID"]));

            $ResProduct = $q->execute();

echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) ."::::::" . microtime(true)."<br />";  

Here is the result of the 2 echo to show you how long it's take to perform the query.

2011-04-21 01:48:24::::::1303364904.805开发者_如何学Python1
2011-04-21 01:48:25::::::1303364905.8418

An other thing, there is no data in the database.


I Perform the query directly in the mysql console and get the result very quickly

mysql> select * from Ordering where client_id = 2;
| id | product_id | price | qty  | client_id |
|  7 |          1 |  0.89 |   20 |         2 |
1 row in set  (0.00 sec)

  • Use microtime(true) instead of microtime_float()
  • Configure MySQL not to resolve IP's of connecting clients: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/server-options.html#option_mysqld_skip-name-resolve
  • client_id = ?- why do you cast $_SESSION["UserID"] to array? I think this is unnecessary.

First of all, your code doesn't seem wrong or anything.

Basically, though, your SQL query will typically look like this :

select *
from Ordering
where client_id = 123456

Which means that setting an index on the client_id column should probably help -- a lot, if there are many rows in that table.

A couple of relevant links, about that :

  • How MySQL Uses Indexes

Just out of curiosity have you attempted a RawSQL Query? We had an issue similar to this and it ended up being a DNS issue. Even though everything was supposed to be localhost the apache server was going external to resolve the address to mysql for some reason.



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