
OpenSessionInView filter causes grails run-app to bomb?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-04 17:48 出处:网络
I\'m using OpenSessionInView with DWR to get a hibernate session for my ajax requests. This works fine when I start through a deployed war, but when I try to run with run-app, I get the following erro

I'm using OpenSessionInView with DWR to get a hibernate session for my ajax requests. This works fine when I start through a deployed war, but when I try to run with run-app, I get the following error:

ERROR: org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig - Parse error in application web.xml file at file:/C:/Users/stefan/.grails/1.3.6/projects/myproject/resources/web.xml java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Filter mapping specifies an unknown filter name hiddenHttpMethod




I tried adding the hiddenHttpMethod filter mapping, but I get the same error. What's going on?

Added entries which failed:



Very odd, but you need to add multiple web.xml entries to the top of the file, as the filter order is important.

Add this near the top of your filters:



Note, however, that this adds the reloadFilter to your production war. You can remove this by intercepting the webXml events, but that's a pain.



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