
Visual C++ copy char array into char array

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-10 11:01 出处:网络
Need help开发者_如何学C with copying array object to a temp array object using a for loop (see code + comments below)..... Thanks in advance!!!!

Need help开发者_如何学C with copying array object to a temp array object using a for loop (see code + comments below)..... Thanks in advance!!!!

    int counter;
    char buffer[] = "this is what i want 0 ignore the rest after the zero"; //
    char command[sizeof(buffer)];

    for ( counter = 0; counter < sizeof(buffer); counter++ ){
        if ( buffer[counter] == '0' ){      
            break; // Exit loop (Should Exit)
        command[counter] = buffer[counter]; // Copy array object into new array
    printf("%s\n",command); // However when I print it contains the whole array this shouldnt be is should only contain "this is what i want "

Strings are terminated by a '\0' character

So simply add after the for loop


(when you exit the for loop the value of counter will be "pointing" at the last character's place in the command variable)


Your code is working fine:

this is what i want
this is what i want

Edit: That being said, you need to initialize your output buffer:

char command[sizeof(buffer)]={}; // now the string will be null-termiated
                                 // no matter where the copy ends

There's a bit easier way to do the job:

sscanf(buffer, "%[^0]", command);

This copies the right data and assures it's properly terminated, all in one (reasonably) simple operation.

Note, that in C++ you probably want to use std::string instead of NUL-terminated arrays of char for situations like this though.

counter = 0;
while (buffer[counter] != '0'){
command[counter] = buffer[counter];
counter ++;

try something like this...but add control to make sure you do not excide the buffer/command dimension!



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