
Any suggestions for a simple jquery slider with auto height and custom prev/next navigation?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-12 10:08 出处:网络
I\'m having a bit of trouble finding a nice little jquery plugin that would allow me to slide through testimonials on my website.

I'm having a bit of trouble finding a nice little jquery plugin that would allow me to slide through testimonials on my website.

The testimonials could be different lengths, so ideally I would like the slider to be able to auto adjust depending on the length of the testimonial.

I would also really like to be开发者_如何学JAVA able to create custom prev/next links, so that I can place them where ever I want and style them how I like.

I've found these couple so far:

http://slidesjs.com/ (auto-height: yes | custom prev/next links: no)

http://webbies.dk/SudoSlider/ (auto-height: yes | custom prev/next: yes)

The second option looks like it may suit what I want, as it has both the auto-heigh ability and the custom prev/next links ability.

If anyone has any other suggestions though, I would be very grateful to hear them.

There seems to be loads of jquery sliders out there, but I can find very few with these requirements.

Any help would be greatly appreciated :o)

This one is my favorite:


you can put the testimonials all in a list and them after loading the js do:


It will let each testimonial have it's own height and i believe it does next/prev too.



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