
MSXML alternative [closed]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-16 00:19 出处:网络
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Closed. This question is seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. It does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.

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Closed 7 years ago.

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Is there a MSXML alternative? I think MSXML clashes with previous versions. Also I prefer open source, at least tools with source. Delphi is my choice but I can manage c/c++. It should support all of construction, navigation and xmlhttp interface without MSXML dependency. Thanks for any lead

Also you can have a look at NativeXML, it is Open Source.

Using TXmlDocument you can use either MSXML or the open source implementation, Open XML (http://www.philo.de/xml/), that comes with Delphi. If using TXmlDocument the version of MSXML used is the latest version available on the machine, so it won't clash.

You can use OmniXML which has an interface compatible with MSXML. There is also SimpleStorage a set of interfaces on top of OmniXML that make it even stronger and easier to use.

himXML works also fine and fast.

  • support unicode
  • is under MPL v1.1 , GPL v3.0 or LGPL v3.0
  • it fast
  • its simple

you can get it from german delphi-praxis website.

Take a look at DiXML, which is build on the libxml2, libxslt and libexslt libraries (DIXml requires no DLLs or any other external files whatsoever).



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