
Custom reference mapping in Fluent Nhibernate

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-17 07:23 出处:网络
In my database, I have two tables, one logically referencing other, but with no foreign key defined (I cannot control the database, so have to live with that). E.g.:

In my database, I have two tables, one logically referencing other, but with no foreign key defined (I cannot control the database, so have to live with that). E.g.:

Table1 (
    Table1Id int,
    Column1 int,
    Column2 int

Table2 (
    Table2Id int,
    Column1FromTable1 int,
    Column2FromTable1 int

Suppose there is guarantee that (Column1, Column2) pair is unique for Table1.

In the code, I want to define HasMany mapping for Table1, like this:

public class Table1
    public int Id

    public IEnumerable<Tab开发者_C百科le2> Table2s

public class Table2
    public int Id


    public Table1 Table1


public class Table1Map : ClassMap<Table1>
    public Table1Map()
        Id(x => x.Id).Column("Table1Id");
        HasMany(x => x.Table2s); //What next?

What do I have to do for that? What methods of OneToManyPart can I use to define the reference?

In simple words, with Fluent NHibernate, how do I tie in the code entities that are not tied in the database? The problem is also in the complex key that I have to use here.

Again, I cannot change the database in this case, which would be my natural choice otherwise.

You will need to map Col1 & Col2 as a composite key like that:

public class Table1Map : ClassMap<Table1>
    public Table1Map()
                .WithKeyProperty( x => x.Column1 , "Column1" )  
                .WithKeyProperty( x => x.Column2 , "Column2" );  
        HasMany(x => x.Table2s)
                 .WithKeyColumn( "Column1FromTable1" )  
                 .WithKeyColumn( "Column2FromTable1" ) ;
        Map(x => x.Id).Column("Table1Id");

and in the mapping for Table2:

public class Table2Map : ClassMap<Table2>
    public Table2Map()
        Id(x => x.Id).Column("Table2Id");
        References(x => x.Table1)
                 .WithColumns( "Column1FromTable1", "Column2FromTable1" ) ;


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