
Forward Traffic with Window's Host file?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-18 04:46 出处:网络
A long time ago I found some guide that showed how to use the Windows Hosts file to forward traffic to another IP/Port. We setup a clients server on one IP/Port, and they wanted it changed to another

A long time ago I found some guide that showed how to use the Windows Hosts file to forward traffic to another IP/Port. We setup a clients server on one IP/Port, and they wanted it changed to another IP/Port on the same machine, but are now asking that we forward UDP/TCP traffic to it as well.

I am pretty sure this is doable but I cannot for 开发者_StackOverflowthe life of me figure out how to do it now after Google searching for a while.

You're probably remembering incorrectly. The only thing that /etc/hosts controls is local DNS lookups -- you can't use it to swap ports around or forward data sent from other machines.

You may be able to forward connections using a firewall package or router.



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