
name of element mouse is hovering

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-18 08:28 出处:网络
I\'m using a global variable that toggles between true and false on mouse enter of a div and then I\'m using the value of this variable elsewhere to show / hide another element depending on the value.

I'm using a global variable that toggles between true and false on mouse enter of a div and then I'm using the value of this variable elsewhere to show / hide another element depending on the value.

Actually, another way to do what I want would be to know if the mouse is hovering a div called MyDiv. I'm looking to remove the use of the global variable that toggles with the mouseenter/mouseleave events.

I tried this:

 var test = $('#MyDiv').mouseover() ? 1 : 0;

but it's not working.

Let me know if you have a 1-liner suggestion for returning the name of the div that's being hovered.


PS: I already k开发者_运维问答now it can be done with more than 1 line

You should store your flag in jQuery's data storage:

$(this).data("mouseover", true);
if ($(this).data("mouseover"))

You can do this:

    //show/hide other div or any other code
}) ;


you can set another global variable that tells you whether mouse is hovering on MyDiv like this:

    myDivHovering = true;
}).mouseout(function() {
    myDivHovering = false;
}) ;

jQuery uses a callback style to handle events. The functionality you're describing can be implemented like so:

var mouse_on_mydiv = false;
$('#MyDiv').hover(function onMouseIn() {
    mouse_on_mydiv = true;
    alert(this.id); // => 'MyDiv'
}, function onMouseOut() {
    mouse_on_mydiv = false;


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