
Change text of JTextField from different Class

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-19 07:34 出处:网络
How can i change the text of a jTextField from other class Suppose i have Class A in which if i select an item and click create account. I added a tab with same name to my jTabbedPane. This tab is cl

How can i change the text of a jTextField from other class

Suppose i have Class A in which if i select an item and click create account. I added a tab with same name to my jTabbedPane. This tab is class B. the code for this is:

onclick on "Create Account" this function addclass(mainCB.getSelectedIndex()) has been called

 public void addclass(int a) {
    String s=(String) mainCB.getItemAt(a); //mainCB is variable name of combobox
    JComponent subpanel2=new B(); //added the class
    jTabbedPane1.add(s,subpanel2); //added new tab which is the new class
    B ob=new B(); //object of new class B
    ob.heading(s); //heading is the function in Class B

Now how can i Change the jTextField1 text from class A.

heading() function in class B is as follows:

public void heading(String s){
    head.setText(s); //head is the variable name of jText开发者_Python百科Field1 of class B

I have posted the image of both the classes A and B.

This is Class A

Change text of JTextField from different Class

The new panel which is added in jTabbedPane is class B. This is being called in class A.

Change text of JTextField from different Class

You create two instances of the class B in your addClass method. I think it would solve your problem to call heading on subpanel2, which is of type B. This would go something like:

public void addclass(int a) {
    String s=(String) mainCB.getItemAt(a); //mainCB is variable name of combobox
    B subpanel2=new B(); //added the class
    jTabbedPane1.add(s,subpanel2); //added new tab which is the new class
    subpanel2.heading(s); //heading is the function in Class B

Is this what you wanted?



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