
How does one find a specific package to install with YUM?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-19 08:13 出处:网络
I want to install Apache Solr on my linux machine, and am wondering if I can install it with yum.yum list prints all available packages, but it\'s impossible to read through thousands of these to find

I want to install Apache Solr on my linux machine, and am wondering if I can install it with yum. yum list prints all available packages, but it's impossible to read through thousands of these to find the right install, especially considering a开发者_JS百科 package could be named virtually anything.

Is there a better way to find out if a particular package is available with yum?

Two options (since they both tend to return different results)

yum search solr
yum list | grep solr

I see only the PHP plugin on my machine, but I'm using an older release.

Need even more, you can do a filename match on things with solr in them:

yum provides */*solr*


yum search solr

If it doesn't find it, you might need to add more repositories.



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