
Httpd.conf: Set Cookie Only On http:// not http://sub.domain.com

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-20 02:41 出处:网络
I am trying to get rid of cookies. For SEO reasons I do not want to rewrite my domain to www.domain.com.

I am trying to get rid of cookies. For SEO reasons I do not want to rewrite my domain to www.domain.com.

That's why开发者_JS百科 I would like to know if it would be possible to make Wordpress/Apache set cookies only to http://domain.com and not on subdomains without rewriting to www.

I would even be willing to pay for this .. if you have any idea how to achieve it.

Thanks Oliver

Having gone through this dilemma myself over the last year my answer(s) are:

  1. There is NO good SEO reason not to use www
  2. Setting cookies to http://example.com impacts ALL sub-domains - including 'www'. AFAIK there is no way around this.

I'd seriously (!) consider how dogmatic your approach to point 1 is before investing time/energy/money in overcoming point 2.



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