
Binding in Silverlight 4 to ComboBox in DataGridColumn

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-20 04:45 出处:网络
Hello I have been searching everywhere for a solution to this problem and cannot figure out a solution.

Hello I have been searching everywhere for a solution to this problem and cannot figure out a solution.

I have a combo box in a datagrid column that I want to bind it's itemsource to a list generated by a database. I also want to bind the selected value to a separate table. I have succeeded in doing this... but only sometimes. There is something not synchronized. Here is some code


    <my:CategoriesProvider x:Key="categoriesProvider"/>


    <data:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Category" Width="100" x:Name="cboDataCol">
                            <DataTemplate x:Name="cboDataTemplate">
   <ComboBox Name="cboCategories" SelectedItem="{Binding category, Mode=TwoWay}" ItemsSource="{Binding CategoriesList,Source={StaticResource categoriesProvider}}" DisplayMemberPath="name" SelectedValue="{Binding Path=category.id}"  SelectedValuePath="id"/>


public class CategoriesProvider : List<category>
        MenuItems.MenuItemService.MenuItemServiceClient svc = new     MenuItems.Me开发者_StackOverflow社区nuItemService.MenuItemServiceClient();
        ObservableCollection<category> allCategories;

        public CategoriesProvider()
            svc.getCategoriesCompleted += new EventHandler<getCategoriesCompletedEventArgs>(svc_getCategoriesCompleted);


        public void svc_getCategoriesCompleted(object sender, getCategoriesCompletedEventArgs e)
            Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                allCategories = e.Result;
                if (allCategories == null)


Sometimes it seems that the control gets bound to the list before getItemsAsync is completed. Is there a solution to doing it this way, or should I give up and try something else?


Try implementing INotifyPropertyChanged on your CategoriesProvider. Where is CategoriesList? That's what you should be notifying changed.



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