
Replace keywords by images in TextField

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-20 14:57 出处:网络
I have some textfield with te开发者_JS百科xt like \"Click @button1, then @button2\". Have you got any idea how to replace keywords by images ? I must do it in AS2 :/ I know there is htmlText in textFi

I have some textfield with te开发者_JS百科xt like "Click @button1, then @button2". Have you got any idea how to replace keywords by images ? I must do it in AS2 :/ I know there is htmlText in textField, but useing it I can only use one image, and image can only align left or right site.

Very advanced stuff. I can tell you there is no 'out of the box' solution like using html text fields or something similar. Especially if you want to mimic nearly html behaviour you have to code advanced routines that can : 1. recognize your keywords. You should google for tokenizers and 2. layout textfields according to occuring images and textblocks. Again, thats advanced!



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