
Castle Windsor Referencing a Service in a Framework Library

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-21 14:27 出处:网络
I have been googling for ages today and yeste开发者_C百科rday and am completely frustrated with Castle Windsor.I am trying to use DI to inject a custom membership provider into my controller class.The

I have been googling for ages today and yeste开发者_C百科rday and am completely frustrated with Castle Windsor. I am trying to use DI to inject a custom membership provider into my controller class. The problem is that in my config file i refer to the service that i am implementing, in this case the abstract class MembershipProvider contained in System.Web, but i get the error at runtime "Could not convert from 'System.Web.Security.MembershipProvider,System.Web'to System.Type - Maybe type could not be found. My controller factory is all setup and working so i know that everything works but it just doesnt work with referencing system.web it seems like, i dont know. Here is my code in my web.config.

      <component id="MyMembership"  service="System.Web.Security.MembershipProvider,System.Web"
        type="UserManagement.CustomMembership,UserManagement" lifestyle="PerWebRequest" />

so in this case i have my component id, the service is the abstract class MembershipProvider in System.Web assembly, then the type i wish to supply is the fully qualified type above in the UserManagement assembly. I just cant get it to work!

You need to deploy UserManagement.dll



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