
How does one make an applet scroll?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-22 00:07 出处:网络
I have been trying to use JScrollPane with my applet, but it doesn\'t work. I have a JPan开发者_JS百科el to which I add 20 buttons, and I want to be able to scroll up and down this JPanel. Instead, th

I have been trying to use JScrollPane with my applet, but it doesn't work. I have a JPan开发者_JS百科el to which I add 20 buttons, and I want to be able to scroll up and down this JPanel. Instead, the scrollbars do not appear. When I use setPreferredSize they still did not appear even though only about 3 of the buttons are being displayed and the rest are cut off. If I do not use setPreferredSize, there might as well not be any scrollbars because I have to make the window big enough to see all of the buttons. If I try to make the scrollbars always visible, they appear but do nothing. I tried the exact same code with JFrame instead of Applet, and it works fine, but I need it to be an applet. Is JScrollPane incompatible with applets? (Note: I tried to use an outer JPanel and add the scrollable panel to it, but it changed nothing). Changing the layouts also doesn't fix the problem. I have attached a simplified version of my code, but it displays the same errors.

Here is the code I have:

JPanel scrollPanel = new JPanel();
scrollPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(scrollPanel, BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS));
JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS,
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) scrollPanel.add(new JButton("Button " + i));

  1. You never all the panel to the scroll pane
  2. You never add the scroll pane to the applet

The basic code should be:

JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(...);
scrollPane.setViewportView( scrollPanel );
add( scrollPane );

You are adding components to a Panel so you shouldn't expect to see a scroll pane wihout showing the scrollpane. What you want to do is then add that panel to a scrollpane which would be added to ur main container.

From your code, i think your problem is


your should be doing this


This is because you only added the panel to the frame which does not contain any scrollpane. Since you have added the panel unto the scrollpane, you should add the scrollpane and not the panel to the main container.

It sounds like you are using Swing components (JScrollPane, JPanel, ...) in an AWT container (Applet). Try using JApplet instead.



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