
Best data access method for MVC 3 site with SQL Server backend

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-22 00:13 出处:网络
I\'m building a new website using MVC3 with all data being stored in SQL Server, and I need input in choosing the best data access method.

I'm building a new website using MVC3 with all data being stored in SQL Server, and I need input in choosing the best data access method.

My priorities are: - Performance (fast processing, low memory/CPU usage) - Scalability (easy to grow from 1k to 100k daily users) - Extensebility (adding/modifying data structure without tedious changes in multiple places)

Thanks in advance for a开发者_如何学编程ny input.

I would go with NHibernate I suppose.....

If this is a new application with a new DEDICATED database then I would take a look at Entity Framework Code First.

If you have an existing database then pick a more traditional ORM tool...

Scalability (easy to grow from 1k to 100k daily users) - Extensebility (adding/modifying data structure without tedious changes in multiple places)

Sounds like you want the cake and to eat it all too :)

Given the scalability requirements i think you have some very important research to do first before you make your choice.

Be aware that even with an ORM (in my case EF) 'tedious changes', or should i say 'repetitive' maintenance does still occur when you are modifying your schema.

I would look into...

  • EF (code first and model first)
  • NHibernate
  • Dapper

Note that Dapper is a Micro ORM and considered more lightweight than the first 2. It is also used on this very site.



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