
JQUERY Toggle and Ajax

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-22 23:09 出处:网络
I have a menu and a submenu.Submenu content is loaded with ajax. The开发者_运维百科 submenu toggles.The problem is that when I click to hide the submenu it still does the ajax call.

I have a menu and a submenu. Submenu content is loaded with ajax.

The开发者_运维百科 submenu toggles. The problem is that when I click to hide the submenu it still does the ajax call.

How can I only make it do an ajax call when I click to open the menu?

$("#showsubmenu").live("click", function() {
                var attrib = $(this).attr('menuid'); 

                $("#"+attrib).html("<h4>&nbsp;&nbsp;Loading links...</h4>");
                   cache: false,
                   url: "submenu.php", 
                   dataType: "html",
                   data: "&menuid="+attrib,
                   success: function (data) {   
                    error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {



I've done it in the past by adding/removing a class.

Add a test like

if( !$(this).hasClass("submenu-loaded") ) {        
    ...Ajax call

Then in the success handler, use .addClass("submenu-loaded") to prevent the Ajax call being made again.

Try this simple solution along with some performance benefit which will not make ajax call once the submenu is populated even when you open it next time. I hope this will help you.

$("#showsubmenu").live("click", function() {
                var attrib = $(this).attr('menuid'); 
                var $attrib = $("#"+attrib);


                if(!$attrib.data("subMenuPopulated") && $attrib.is(":visible")){

                    $attrib.html("<h4>&nbsp;&nbsp;Loading links...</h4>");
                     cache: false,
                     url: "submenu.php", 
                     dataType: "html",
                     data: "&menuid="+attrib,
                     success: function (data) {   
                        $attrib.html(data).data("subMenuPopulated", true);
                      error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {


since a .toggle() changes the visibility of the object, you could check against it's CSS display property. If it's not hidden already, then there's no need to start the Ajax-Call.

if ($("#"+attrib).not(':visible')) {
    ...run ajax code

This is just checking to see if the sub-menu is visible, if it is not then you can execute the ajax code.

Or if you want to check for the existence of the code within the sub-menu you can do something like:

if ($("#"+attrib).html().length == 0) {
    ...run ajax code

This code checks for any html within the sub-menu, if none is found the ajax code can be run.



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