
php SOAP not sending certificate.pem

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-23 19:44 出处:网络
I can load in the wsdl, pull out the functions and data types just fine but when I try to call a function on the server I get a connection error. When I look at the soap data passed in the $request it

I can load in the wsdl, pull out the functions and data types just fine but when I try to call a function on the server I get a connection error. When I look at the soap data passed in the $request it doesn't contain any of the security certificate and no errors are generated.

My code looks like this:

  // setup the transaction array
  $header = array('local_cert' => "certificate.pem",
                  'logonUser'  => "user_name",
                  'style'      => SOAP_DOCUMENT,
                  'use'        => SOAP_LITERAL,
                  'exceptions' => true,
                  'trace'      => true);                  

  // create the soap client, this will log us in
  $client = new SoapClient($wsdl, $header);

    $response = $client->getMessage($parameters);
  catch (Exception $e) 
    echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n"; 

So my question is this, what do I have 开发者_C百科to do to get the security certificate to be passed?



The purpose of local_cert in $header is not sending it in the SOAP call itself. It's only being used as an SSL client certificate. Also, according to this comment on php.net you need to read the file contents of the certificate in order to use it.

2 (small) things :

  • 'logonUser' does not seem to be a valid option for the SoapClient constructor. If it is a required header for this service, consider using soapClient::setSoapHeaders. If it is a standard HTTP login param, use the 'login' key.

  • try to use the full path of the pem certificate, and make sure it is readable by php



验证码 换一张
取 消
