
Why the snapshot name always has date in its jar file name ? How to remove it

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-24 14:39 出处:网络
When I deploy jar, maven always add date in its file name, this make the file name repositor开发者_运维问答y different from the file in my local. How can I remove the date in file name ?

When I deploy jar, maven always add date in its file name, this make the file name repositor开发者_运维问答y different from the file in my local. How can I remove the date in file name ?


About why, it's because being it a SNAPSHOT package, each time you deploy it you are de-facto deploying a new version of it, so the timestamp is added to differentiate them in the remote repository. When Maven downloads it, it removes the timestamp because on your local repository there can only be one version, so the timestamp is useless if not confusing.

It can be removed, this site use the -DuniqueVersion=false parameter :

mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=file:///C:/m2-repo \
                   -DrepositoryId=some.id \
                   -Dfile=your-artifact-1.0.jar \
                   -DpomFile=your-pom.xml \

However, you should NOT care about artifact names, files etc.. You are using maven SO THAT you don't have to care about them.



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