
Breakpoints in VisualStudio

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-25 02:17 出处:网络
How do breakpoints in visual studio work? I\'m asking this because I have some inline functions declared in the class header, and whenever I set a breakpoint in one of them, I think the IDE also puts

How do breakpoints in visual studio work? I'm asking this because I have some inline functions declared in the class header, and whenever I set a breakpoint in one of them, I think the IDE also puts breakpoints to wherever the function is called. Which of course makes sense, but how exactly is it done internall开发者_如何学JAVAy?

The function you are placing breakpoint in, are inline, and that's why debugger is smartly misplacing them somewhere else. It may be you are debugging a non-Debug build. Try

  • Disabling all optimizations
  • Make function non-inline

Your question doesn't demand this, but you can read here how breakpoints are implemented.



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