
setBackgroudColor to NSView

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-25 03:00 出处:网络
What I miss? color won\'t change. #import \"controller.h\" #import \"backgroundView.h\" @implementation controller

What I miss? color won't change.

#import "controller.h"
#import "backgroundView.h"
@implementation controller
-(void)awakeFromNib {
    backgroundView *background = [[backgroundView alloc] init];
    [background setBackgroudColor:[NSColor whiteColor]];
    //also didn't work 
    //[background setBackgroudColor:[[NSColor whiteColor] retain]];

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

@interface backgroundView : NSView{
    NSColor *color;
#import "backgroundView.h"
@implementation backgroundView
    [super dealloc];
    color = newColor;
    [self setNeedsDisplay:YES];
    [color setFill];

  1. You should retain newColor in setBackgroundColor: method.
  2. Release color ivar in dealloc
  3. In awakeFromNib method you initialize your view with init, but designated initializer is initWithFrame:
  4. There's no code where you add newly created view to superview.
  5. You can also try to use set instead of setFill for NSColor

You are creating a view in awakeFromNib which is attached to nowhere. Instead you should change the custom class of your view in Interface Builder, setup an outlet on this view and call setBackgroudColor: on it.

Also, classes should start with a capital letter so backgroundView should be BackgroundView. As Andriy said, make sure to fix the memory management of your color ivar.



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