
Weird anomaly of a graphic being with different color on one computer, but ok in another

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-26 04:51 出处:网络
Me and my col开发者_如何转开发league are facing a weird anomaly of one little graphic being purple in his computer and blue in mine. The file itself seems to okay and we have re-created it from PSD se

Me and my col开发者_如何转开发league are facing a weird anomaly of one little graphic being purple in his computer and blue in mine. The file itself seems to okay and we have re-created it from PSD several times.

You would say that, the problem is local in his computer. However, our computers are fairly similar and there has never been this issue before. Also, if he checks the source-file its ok, meaning blue. His computer had a fresh install of Win7 and clean photoshop.

What could be the problem and what can we try to solve it?

More information:

He is using FF5. The image is in PNG format. There are no js related scripts, to alter any of the images.

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(In the image we are talking about the little arrow, that is purple in one image)

From my point of view:

Weird anomaly of a graphic being with different color on one computer, but ok in another

From his point of view:

Weird anomaly of a graphic being with different color on one computer, but ok in another

NOTE: I personally think the issue is local in his computer. But he of course doesn't accept this answer. So if it is local, then somebody could explain, how does it happen.

Your issue could be due to gamma correction and color correction for PNGs. Ran into a similar issue myself with PNGs a couple weeks ago. A PNG would display with the correct colors in one browser, and with different colors in another browser on the same computer.

See this stackoverflow question as well for more info: Firefox 3.5 color correction hack?

I definitely think this is a color correction issue, take a look at the images in two different browsers (chrome 13 and firefox5) on my machine. The image in Firefox is displaying with different colors than the one in Chrome.

Weird anomaly of a graphic being with different color on one computer, but ok in another

Check the color settings on your monitors. If you're using different color temperature (Kelvin) settings, or your RGB settings are non-default and different, or if your monitors are different makes/vintages, you might see things display in "different" colors.



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