
How to modify Visual Studio context menu of project file and add a command to it

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-26 09:02 出处:网络
I have created new type of project for Vis开发者_StackOverflow社区ual Studio 2010 (By dint of Visual Studio SDK) and this project consists of *.pat files.

I have created new type of project for Vis开发者_StackOverflow社区ual Studio 2010 (By dint of Visual Studio SDK) and this project consists of *.pat files. *.cpp files have in theirs context menu option "compile". I want to add such option into context menu of my type of files. How i can do it?

If you are creating a new type of project for Visual Studio probably you are implementing a VSIX (former VS Package)

To add a new Menu Item to Project Item Contextual Menu you need to declare a vsct file in your package, and inside VSCT attach your new menu item to Project Item Menu GUID

do you want to make an AddIn for Visual Studio? There is plenty of doc and samples for this, for example:

First Visual Studio 2010 AddIn



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