
Can I get cheap JSP/ JSF hosting in shared hosting plans? [closed]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-26 20:53 出处:网络
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Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers.

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Closed 11 years ago.

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I want to use JSF 开发者_开发问答with Facelets/JSP in my website. Can I get Java hosting in cheap shared hosting plans ?

Not sure if you are asking about shared hosting because you actually want shared hosting or because of the expense typically associated with a VPS. If you are looking for a good, inexpensive VPS, check out Quality Servers. I opened an account with them about a month ago and couldn't be happier. Their prices are dirt cheap and you have full control over your server. I got to them via this link: http://www.lowendbox.com/blog/qualityservers-4-600mb-openvz-vps-in-us-or-uk/, which from what I can tell will get you a cheaper price than shopping from the main page of the site.



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