
LWJGL cannot find class error when using "java <class file>" command

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-27 00:33 出处:网络
I successfully compiled my source using this command: javac -classpath \"..\\lwjgl-2.7.1\\jar\\lwjgl.jar\" Game.java

I successfully compiled my source using this command:

javac -classpath "..\lwjgl-2.7.1\jar\lwjgl.jar" Game.java

However, when I try to run it using:

java -classpath "..\lwjgl-2.7.1\jar\lwjgl.开发者_如何学编程jar" Game

, it gives me an error:

Error: Could not find or load main class Game

What have I done wrong!? :(

I am certain that there are no syntactical errors and class labeling anomalies.

EDIT: I've also tried running the program using this command, but still nothing. T.T

java -cp "..\lwjgl-2.7.1\jar\lwjgl.jar" -Djava.library.path="..\lwjgl-2.7.1\native\windows" Game

Here is the answer, after endless hours of sitting on my toilet...

java -cp "..\lwjgl-2.7.1\jar\lwjgl.jar"; -Djava.library.path="..\lwjgl-2.7.1\native\windows" Game

Note the semi-colon after the -cp. The SEMI-COLON. That was all that I was lacking. A FRIGGIN' SEMI-COLON.

I hope nobody commits the mistake I did.

It has to be

java -classpath "..\lwjgl-2.7.1\jar\lwjgl.jar" Game

Is Game.class inside of that jar file? If not, you probably need to include the path to the class file as well. For the current working directory, try:

 java -classpath "../lwjgl-2.7.1/jar/lwjgl.jar:." Game

(Maybe that : should be a ; on Windows).



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