
What is the best screen resolution for an Android AVD?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-27 02:58 出处:网络
This is might seem to be a sort of silly question to ask but I would like to know while testing our apps what is the best resolution to be used (HVGA/WVGA/QVGA?etc)?

This is might seem to be a sort of silly question to ask but I would like to know while testing our apps what is the best resolution to be used (HVGA/WVGA/QVGA?etc)?

I ask this because I want the layo开发者_JS百科ut and the performance of the device to be consistent across most screen sizes.

There is a regularly updated diagram with the screen sizes and densitys available at the android developers site:

What is the best screen resolution for an Android AVD?


This doesn't tell you an exact resolution, but seperates all phones into 4 sizes (small, normal, large, xlarge) and densities. This should give you a hint at least.

The biggest chunk is obviously Normal/hdpi, I guess that should be a lot of 3.7" HDPI displays with a 480x800 resolution (or at least close to this res). Like the Nexus One or HTC Desire (there are sure some newer ones, but I only keep an eye on the market when I'm searching for a phone to buy).

You can use all resolution to test your application, because some phones have QVGA resolution, some HVGA or WVGA resolution. Tablets have others resolutions. More informations : http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html

If you use the dp unit for the sizes of your screen elements, then you shouldn't need to worry (as much) as this is a relative size, based on the pixel density of the screen.



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