
uitableview within the detail side of a splitview

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-27 19:16 出处:网络
I need to create a tableview within the detail side of a splitview.I have learned how to create a tableview programmatically and have created it in a class called MyTableView.My problem is that the po

I need to create a tableview within the detail side of a splitview. I have learned how to create a tableview programmatically and have created it in a class called MyTableView. My problem is that the point at which I want to actually create the tableview, I am getting an error. The code from the DetailViewController shown below is being called, but the tableview (called nextView) isn't being populated. Please let me know if you see a silly mistake or can recommend any tutorials that would be helpful.

- (void)setDetailItem:(id)newDetailItem {
    if (detailItem != newDetailItem) {
        [detailItem release];
    detailItem = [newDetailItem retain];
    // Update the view
NSString * imageName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.png",detailItem];
    [self.imageView1 setImage:[UI开发者_JS百科Image imageNamed:imageName]];  
    [self configureView];

if (self.popoverController != nil) {
    [self.popoverController dismissPopoverAnimated:YES];

- (void)configureView {
NSLog(@"creating tableview");
if(nextView == nil)
    nextView = [[MyTableView alloc] init];  
self.view = nextView;

The error reads: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[MyTableView setFrame:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4b32e40'

Haven't found an answer for the splitview yet, but two tables within scroll views are working all right. Here's the blog that got me started. http://www.iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-development/2423-multiple-table-views-single-screen-nothing-showing-up.html

Is the class MyTableView in reality a table view controller. In this case the table view controller has no property frame. You should then to something like

[[MyTableView view] setFrame: newFrame];

And: You should change the name of MyTableView to MyTableViewController.



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