
How to prevent XSS in attributes

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-27 21:30 出处:网络
so I have a site where users can register using a username of their choosing and can submit large blocks of text and add comments. Currently, to avert XSS, I use strip_tags on the data on input to the

so I have a site where users can register using a username of their choosing and can submit large blocks of text and add comments. Currently, to avert XSS, I use strip_tags on the data on input to the database and I only output the data in the body, rather than in an attribute. I'm currently making changes to the site, one of which is to make a user page which is loaded when someone clicks on the username (a link). This would look like:

<a href="example.com/user/<?php echo $username; ?>">...</a>

I'm worried that for the $username variable, someone could insert

<a href="example.com/user/user" onClick="javascript:alert('XSS');">...</a>

I've read a bunch of the other SO posts on this, but none gave a black-and-white answer. If I use the following on all text on output, in addition to strip_tags on input:

echo htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');

is that going to be enough to stop all XSS attacks, including those using th开发者_如何学Ce inline javascript: syntax?

Also, is there any way to remove actual html tags without removing things like "Me > you"?


According to the PHP5 Certification Study guide, there are two golden rules about security:

  1. Filter input
  2. Escape output

At the moment you are only looking at one side of the problem.

But I would prefer htmlentities.

Escaping depends on the context. If it's a URL, use URL encoding (%xx), but also check that the full URL does not start with "javascript:". Your syntax for the onclick-attribute is not required. Onclick is a javascript event handler, so any javascript inside it will run.

See the OWASP XSS Prevention Cheat sheet to see how to escape for different contexts.



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