
DataModel and DataModelSelection in Seam3

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-28 01:48 出处:网络
I cannot seem to find where is @DataModel and @Data开发者_如何学运维ModelSelection in Seam3 (as opposed to Seam2). In what Seam module are they defined? If their name has been changed, what is it curr

I cannot seem to find where is @DataModel and @Data开发者_如何学运维ModelSelection in Seam3 (as opposed to Seam2). In what Seam module are they defined? If their name has been changed, what is it currently?

Assuming you are using JSF2.0, you can 'inject' selection to action methods like this:

<h:dataTable value="#{itemManager.itemList}" var="item">
      <f:facet name="header">Item Id</f:facet>
      <f:facet name="header">Item Name</f:facet>
      <f:facet name="header">Action</f:facet>
      <h:commandLink value="Delete" action="#{itemManager.delete(item)}" />

and corresponding managed bean:

public class ItemManager {
    ArrayList<Item> itemList;

    public ArrayList<Item> getItemList() {
        if (itemList == null) {
            itemList = ... // build item list
        return itemList;

    public String delete(Item item) {
        return null;

@DataModel and @DataModelSelection feature is not available in Seam3.

I you use richfaces, you can use the following construct:

<a:commandLink value="Delete" action="#{bean.delete}">
  <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{item}" target="#{bean.selectedItem}" />


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