
Eclipse, CDT, (N)Curses and debugin/profiling

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-28 22:10 出处:网络
Hi! Is it possible to debug/profile a ncurses based application written in Eclipse\\CDT? By using eclipse IDE of course.


Is it possible to debug/profile a ncurses based application written in Eclipse\CDT? By using eclipse IDE of course.

Main problem is that eclipse to run this application should use a external console but it wont do that. Even redirecting output into a file (terminal) didnt change anything...

For now Im using valgrind to looking for leaks and other things and its hard to read output file wich a single editor. Eclipse had a plugin for val开发者_JS百科grind but it can not import resoult data for analise.

Here is my configuration:

  • System Linux(Debian based)
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Valgrind as a profiler

Yes, as long as the executable was compiled with debug symbols you can simply launch it in an external shell then attach the debugger after the process is up:


On the screenshot by that FAQ item, you'll be interested in the "C/C++ Attach to Application" Launch Configuration.



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