
Minecraft Script that will remember all the items each person in the server has [closed]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-30 00:31 出处:网络
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Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers.

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Closed 11 years ago.

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I have a minecraft server, and need to backup all the items people have, I hope to do this by editing the .dat files in world/players. In this file, there are .dat files and their names are the usernames of each player. when I open it with Notepad++, it shows me gibberish like this:

Minecraft Script that will remember all the items each person in the server has [closed]

Regular Notepad gives me this:

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I heard the file is Gzipped. Is 开发者_开发问答this why it is like this? How can I decode this so I can actually read it. I need to decrypt this from a PHP script.

You need to find out what compression it is really but try and open the file with this (gzip):

$fp = fopen('compress.zlib://yourfile.dat', 'r');
if( $fp ){
    while(!feof($fp) ){
        echo fread($fp, 2048);

Check out http://www.php.net/manual/en/wrappers.compression.php for more info.

EDIT: You may want to try this:

$dat = file_get_contents('yourfile.dat');
echo gzdecoder($dat);

function gzdecoder($d){
    $u = gzinflate(substr($d,$h));
    return $u;

Also its not encrypted, its compressed. ;-)



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