
How to add button and associated on click in ASP.net

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-31 07:40 出处:网络
I am working on a ASP.NET site, in which i display results returned by internal search engine to the end user.开发者_如何学Python I am parsing the result creating HTML string to display those results

I am working on a ASP.NET site, in which i display results returned by internal search engine to the end user.开发者_如何学Python I am parsing the result creating HTML string to display those results as following

        foreach (XmlNode result in results)
        srHtml = "<li class=\"\" style=\"\">";
        srHtml += "<a href=\"" + result.SelectSingleNode("./web:Url", nsmgr).InnerText + "\"> <span class=\"title\">" + result.SelectSingleNode("./web:Title", nsmgr).InnerText + "</span></a> <button>Short This URL</button>\n";
        if (result.SelectSingleNode("./web:Description", nsmgr) != null)
            srHtml += "<br />" + result.SelectSingleNode("./web:Description", nsmgr).InnerText + "<br />";
        srHtml += "<span class=\"url\">" + result.SelectSingleNode("./web:Url", nsmgr).InnerText + "</span></li>\n";
        phResults.Controls.Add(new System.Web.UI.LiteralControl(srHtml));


I can see that button on result page. But I dont know where can I put the code that run when user clicks on this button. When User clicks on that button, I want to change that button textfield with shorten url.

Can anyone help me out here ?

Regards, Sumit Lonkar

What about doing it this way?:

Button button = new Button();
button.ID = "Button1";
button.Click += new EvandHandler(Button1_Click);

And your event handdler:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //Event handler code here


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