
Where does jsdom download resources?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-31 22:49 出处:网络
I\'m working with Node.js and jsdom to find and download all the css/js/images on a page, and then rewrite the urls to be relative (like wget --page-requisites --convert-links). But I\'m wondering if

I'm working with Node.js and jsdom to find and download all the css/js/images on a page, and then rewrite the urls to be relative (like wget --page-requisites --convert-links). But I'm wondering if I even have to do all that work if jsdom already fetches resources. If I turn on FetchExternalResources, then what does jsdom do with them? Are they stored in memory somewhere that I can save them to disk?

require('jsdom').defaultDocumentFeatures = {
  FetchExternalResources   : ['script', 'css', 'link', 'img'],
  ProcessExternalResources : true,
  Mutatio开发者_JS百科nEvents           : false,
  QuerySelector            : false

jsdom currently only fetches javascript and keeps it in memory. If you'd like to fetch other assets you will need to bake in that functionality. You could for instance: doc.getElementsByTagName('img'), loop through them, fetch, and store the images to disk.



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