
C# object sorting by group, using linq

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-01 01:51 出处:网络
I have a list of objects which are grouped by a particular property.I need to sort this list based on other properties, but it always needs to r开发者_StackOverflow社区etain the grouping.So for exampl

I have a list of objects which are grouped by a particular property. I need to sort this list based on other properties, but it always needs to r开发者_StackOverflow社区etain the grouping. So for example, if the list is something like:

{ id=1, partNumber = 100 }
{ id=2, partNumber = 500 }
{ id=2, partNumber = 300 }
{ id=2, partNumber = 600 }
{ id=3, partNumber = 550 }
{ id=3, partNumber = 990 }
{ id=4, partNumber = 200 }
{ id=5, partNumber = 300 }

then the result after sorting by part number ascending would be:

{ id=1, partNumber = 100 }
{ id=4, partNumber = 200 }
{ id=5, partNumber = 300 }
{ id=2, partNumber = 400 }
{ id=2, partNumber = 500 }
{ id=2, partNumber = 600 }
{ id=3, partNumber = 550 }
{ id=3, partNumber = 990 }

It sorts by the minimum PartNumber in each group (or maximum if the sort is descending), but must remain grouped by ID. I have tried various combinations of .OrderBy() and .GroupBy(), but I can't seem to get what I need.

var orderedList = 
    list.GroupBy(i => i.id)
        .OrderBy(g => g.Min(i => i.partNumber))
        // and if you want to flatten the groupings back out
        .SelectMany(g => g);

Your before/after test sample doesn't match up, but this should solve your problem.

 var query = from a in list
             orderby a.partNumber
             group a by a.id into ag
             orderby ag.Min(x => x.partNumber)
             from a in ag
             select a;


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