
Question about phpMyAdmin config.inc.php file

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-01 02:39 出处:网络
I\'ve never used PHP or MySQL before, so this is all new to me. I\'m trying to set up EasyAPNS so that I can send push notifications to iOS devices, and in order for this to work, I need MySQLi to be

I've never used PHP or MySQL before, so this is all new to me. I'm trying to set up EasyAPNS so that I can send push notifications to iOS devices, and in order for this to work, I need MySQLi to be enabled. Well, I can't seem to figure out how to do that exactly... 开发者_开发百科However, in phpMyAdmin's config.inc.php file I did notice this line:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysql';

If I change mysql to mysqli will MySQLi be enabled then? See the link below, this is why I think it should work. Thanks for your help!


This is in php.ini. Is it commented out right now? What's the deal? Once it is uncommented, then changing the config.inc.php file should put it in full effect, right?

Question about phpMyAdmin config.inc.php file

If your PHP installation has the mysqli extension installed and enabled, this should work. Enabling it depends on what OS you're using to host it all. Generally, it will be either compiled in or loaded as an extension in php.ini so check your documentation on how to do this.

To check for mysqli, perform php -i from a command prompt and look through the output. It will tell you everything that your PHP installation can do.

If im not mistaken mysqli should be enabled in the php.ini file. PHPMYADMIN is just an interface where you can adminster your DB. It has nothing to do with the application that you create. To actually turn on mysqli open your php.ini file then locate a line called


and uncomment it. But for this to work your php must be compiled with it. To make sure of that restart your apache server and run



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