
Change url after I updated DB

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-01 03:19 出处:网络
After I have updated the title of a post in my DB I want to redirect to a page where the second uri would be the new title instead of the old...how can I do that in express js ?

After I have updated the title of a post in my DB I want to redirect to a page where the second uri would be the new title instead of the old...how can I do that in express js ?

app.post('/blog_update/:title', function(req, res){
  var oldTitle = req.params.title
  var newTitle = req.body.post.title
    posts.update({title : oldTitle}, {
                  title : req.body.post.title,
          body : req.body.post.body,
                  tags : req.body.post.tags
    }, function(err){
      if(err) throw err;

  开发者_如何学Go  posts.findOne({title : req.body.post.title}, function(err, arr){
      if(err) throw err

      res.render('blog_update' , {locals:{title:'Updated Successfully!', post: arr }});

res.redirect("/blog_update/" + newTitle);

Construct a new uri based on the newTitle then call res.redirect

app.post('/blog_update/:title', function(req, res) {
    var oldTitle = req.params.title
    var newTitle = req.body.post.title
    if (req.body.post.submit) {
            title: oldTitle
        }, {
            title: req.body.post.title,
            body: req.body.post.body,
            tags: req.body.post.tags
        }, function(err) {
            if (err) throw err;

            else {
                    title: req.body.post.title
                }, function(err, arr) {
                    if (err) throw err

                    res.redirect("/blog_update/" + newTitle);


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