
How to CodeSign for upload to iTunesConnect [closed]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-02 16:58 出处:网络
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Closed 11 years ago.

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It has been a few months since I have code signed an app and I can't remember exactly what do I need to do?

Everything is 100% ready except this

  1. Read all the docs that other users suggested you to (re)read.
  2. Update/create provision profile for distribution, set status of app in iTunesConnect Waiting for upload.
  3. Sign your application in Xcode with this profile
  4. Select iOS Device
  5. Product->Archive
  6. If build was successfully ended then Organizer will open. Submit your application.

Here are two apple docs that you should (re)read from Apple's iOS Development Guide:

Building and Running Applications

Managing Devices and Digital Identities

These walk you through the code signing identities. Read them. Bookmark them.



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