
Assert.Equals of Two objects implementing IEquatable(T) doesn't use the equals method

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-03 03:49 出处:网络
I have a custom type Type that implement IEquatable(Type). Then I new up two instances of the type, none of them are Null

I have a custom type Type that implement IEquatable(Type). Then I new up two instances of the type, none of them are Null

Assert.IsTrue(obj1.equals(obj2)) //开发者_开发知识库Success
Assert.AreEqual(obj1, obj2) //False
Assert.AreEqual(Type)(obj1, obj2) //False

The first one hits my equals, the second one hits the ToString() Any suggestions?


some code to illustrate: http://pastebin.com/1uecrfeW

more update

If I have to override the base equals, even if a better (generic) equals is available, then what's the use of implementing IEquals(T)?

My guess is that it's actually hitting Equals(object) instead of Equals(T). If you haven't overridden Equals(object) then it's probably failing the assertion, which then uses ToString to create a useful failure message.

If you could show a short but complete program which demonstrates the problem (including which Assert method you're calling - NUnit? Something else?) that would help.

IIRC Assert.AreEqual is non-generic, so only object.Equals applies; try checking the override of non-generic object.Equals.

In addition to the inconvenience of calling a generic method via reflection, the objects could also implement multiple IEquatable<T> (for different T). So the non-generic version makes sense here, IMO.



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