
How do you reverse a skew transformation in the Flash IDE?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-03 09:43 出处:网络
Place a 100px by 100px box on the stage (not a movieclip, just a simple shape). Now apply a vertical skew of 30 degrees. You should get this...

Place a 100px by 100px box on the stage (not a movieclip, just a simple shape).

How do you reverse a skew transformation in the Flash IDE?

Now apply a vertical skew of 30 degrees. You should get this...

How do you reverse a skew transformation in the Flash IDE?

Click outside of the shape to release the transformation data. The degrees for skew resets to 0 (thi开发者_如何学Gos is expected), see image below

How do you reverse a skew transformation in the Flash IDE?

But What skew would you apply to the shape to return it to its original shape. Initially I would've thought it was -30 in the vertical skew, but this seems to return a weird hybrid shape.. See below:

How do you reverse a skew transformation in the Flash IDE?

I just tried it, and the answer was surprisingly obvious...though don't feel bad, I overlook the obvious a LOT!

Click the object, and set the skew angle back to 0 degrees.

And, +1 for an excellently illustrated question!

EDIT: Talked to my animator. She tried the steps in the question, and -30 worked, strangely enough. She uses Flash CS4. As a possible alternative, she suggested making the drawing a symbol, and then skewing that. That way, you can always go back to the original. Not sure if that helps, but hopefully it does you (or someone).

I finally worked it out for my setup (CS5 Flash). The steps are in the diagram, but work along the lines of:

  1. Set the scaleX to (1/cos([skew amount])) * 100. The skew amount needs to be converted to radians.
  2. Set the v-skew to -[skew amount]
  3. Release the shape, then reselect it (all transformation data would be reset)
  4. Set the scaleX to (1/cos([skew amount])) * 100. Yes, you need to do it twice

How do you reverse a skew transformation in the Flash IDE?



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