
Equivalent of BBEdit on Linux, Win

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-04 03:02 出处:网络
Can anyone s开发者_如何学编程uggest an equivalent of BBEdit for linux and win in terms or multifile search and replace as well as html cleanup, formatting, etc.?

Can anyone s开发者_如何学编程uggest an equivalent of BBEdit for linux and win in terms or multifile search and replace as well as html cleanup, formatting, etc.?

So far I tried NotePad++ and jEdit with limited luck. Thanks in advance

On *nix, the only real equivalent is Vim, with a host of plugins to fill the gap. I struggled with the same issue and made a git repo that hold the configs that make Vim more BBedit-like.

The README on the repo will tell you more about the plugins involved. A script is provided for installation and config. I am currently reviewing the NERDtree plugin to add doc-browser-like sidebar to the layout.

The closest thing to BBedit that I've seen on Linux is Sublime.

Atom, Sublime and VSCode are very good, modern, and cross platform (all three run on Linux, Windows and Mac):

  1. https://atom.io/
  2. https://www.sublimetext.com/
  3. https://code.visualstudio.com/

They all have a rich package base. In particular, my personal favourite is Sublime, because it is SO fast.

on Windows CodePad

on Linux/Other Vim

on Mac buy BBEdit(I use it)

Notepad++ is my favourite on Windows http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ Nano Editor (http://nano-editor.org) on Linux easy to use works with most common *nix distro's and with Cygwin can also run on Windows.

Notepadqq its a powerhouse like Notepad++, Atom is also good very extensible and LimeText if you can get a port to work.



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