
ImageActionLink Newbe Redux

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-05 13:02 出处:网络
I\'ve been beating my head for hours now, so I\'ll ask... In all examples for ImageActionBuilders the method looks like:

I've been beating my head for hours now, so I'll ask...

In all examples for ImageActionBuilders the method looks like:

public static class ImageActionLinkHelper 
        public static string ImageActionLink(this AjaxHelper helper, string imageUrl, string actionName, object routeValues, AjaxOptions ajaxOptions) 
            var builder = new TagBuilder("img"); 
            builder.MergeAttribute("src", imageUrl); 
            builder.MergeAttribute("alt", ""); 
            var link = helper.ActionLink(builder.ToString(TagRenderMode.SelfClosing), actionName, routeValues, ajaxOptions); 
            return link.ToHtmlString(); 

I created a class library, included the method, referenced it in my project and I can see it.

The cal开发者_运维技巧l in the View (.chtml) is documented like this:

@jax.ImageActionLink("../../Content/Images/button_add.png", "JobTasksNew", "TrackMyJob",new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "GET", UpdateTargetId = "tmjDynamic" })) 

Being new to C#, the first parameter (this Ajaxhelper helper) is never referenced in the call from the View in any of the posts here.

The compiler on my machine is complaining about missing a parameter when I structure a call identical to the one above.

I'm missing something. How is the first parameter getting passed or resolved?

Thank you.

If you are new to C# the first and foremost thing that you should do before jumping into ASP.NET MVC is to read about extension methods in C#. What they are and how they work. Really it's a personal advice I can give you : learn C#/VB.NET before jumping into ASP.NET MVC. It's like trying to build a car without having discovered the combustion engine.

That's what HTML helpers in ASP.NET MVC are: extension methods. In your example you have defined the ImageActionLink extension method inside the ImageActionLinkHelper static class. Supposing that this class is defined in the Foo namespace:

namespace Foo
    public static class ImageActionLinkHelper 
        public static string ImageActionLink(this AjaxHelper helper, string imageUrl, string actionName, object routeValues, AjaxOptions ajaxOptions) 

You should bring this Foo namespace into scope inside the view so that your extension method is available:

@using Foo
@Ajax.ImageActionLink("../../Content/Images/button_add.png", "JobTasksNew", "TrackMyJob",new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "GET", UpdateTargetId = "tmjDynamic" })) 

or if you want it to be available in all Razor views of your ASP.NET MVC 3 application you should add the Foo namespace inside the <namespaces> section of the ~/Views/web.config file.



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