
Setting default attribute to form select

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-06 04:19 出处:网络
I triedthis this solution, but it seams not to work in Symfony 1.4. Has something changed? How do I add selected attribute to the form select?

I tried this this solution, but it seams not to work in Symfony 1.4. Has something changed? How do I add selected attribute to the form select?

Here is my form class:

// /lib/form/doctrine/CurrencyListForm.class.php

class CurrencyListForm extends BaseCurrencyForm
  public function configure()

    $choices = '';

    $choice = Doctrine::getTable('currency')

    foreach($choice as $v) 
    开发者_开发知识库    $choices[$v->getCurrencyCode()] = $v->getCurrencyCode(); 

        'currency_code' => new sfWidgetFormSelect(array('choices' => $choices)), 



And this is how I instantiate it:

$this->form = new CurrencyListForm();

What kind of form are you rendering? If it's an object form (like sfFormDoctrine), the binding 'reverts' the defaults. (It sets the defaults of the model).

What I found was the simplest way to bind it, is creating a dummy object and set the property on that object. Then pass this object to the constructor of the form.

Something like this:

$defaultCurrency = new Currency();
$defaultCurrency->currency_code = 'EUR';
$this->form = new CurrencyListForm($defaultCurrency);


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取 消
