
Need to copy rows from one ws to another based of multiple values in one column

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-06 04:46 出处:网络
I\'m moving information from one sheet to another sheet based of开发者_如何转开发f of values in one column on the master sheet.Right now the code pulls rows based off of one value in the source column

I'm moving information from one sheet to another sheet based of开发者_如何转开发f of values in one column on the master sheet. Right now the code pulls rows based off of one value in the source column, but I need to modify it to pull rows matching two values. What I use now is

  'If value in column Y ends with "6100", copy to report sheet
        If c.Value Like "*6100" Then  

Basically instead of just 6100 I need to pull *6100 and *6200. I don't know why I'm not getting it to work. Any simple way to modify this?

Something like this.

Although running a AutoFilter flagging True if the last 4 digits match these two criteira may be more efficient timewise if your code takes a while

 If c.Value Like "*6100" Or c.Value Like "*6200" Then
 'do stuff
 'do other stuff
 End If

This may help you out, it is embedding multiple conditional statements into the cell, evaluating the contents of one cell to produce the desired outcomes.

=IF(Q1087<=0.04167,"< 1 Hr",IF(AND(Q1087<=0.2083,Q1087>0.0416),"1 to 5 Hrs",IF(AND(Q1087<=0.4167,Q1087>0.208),"5 to 10 Hrs",IF(AND(Q1087<=1,Q1087>0.4167),"10 to 24 Hrs",IF(AND(Q1087<=2,Q1087>1),"1 to 2 Days",IF(AND(Q1087<=5,Q1087>2),"2 to 5 Days",IF(Q1087>5," > 5 Days","")))))))



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